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Mobile Application

How A3Logics helped the client with a feature-rich, picture-button-based chat
app that simplifies & transforms users’ smartphone chatting experience!


The client company was looking to build a configurable EHS platform/solution for its end users with the following features:

1. The client was looking picture-based chat button iPhone messenger app, which allows end-users to perform multiple common tasks like calling, texting, and contact management with a few easy clicks via the app.

2. The client wanted an iPhone messenger app with large-picture chat buttons so that older age people and youngsters can use the app conveniently and instantly with a one-tap on the large button to send a text or call someone.

3. The client was also very specific about the Chatstasy app dialer. The client wanted an app dialer that should be feature-rich, containing important buttons with the presence of the contact picture. The idea behind creating a large dialer is to make it simpler and convenient for use for the target audience – youngsters and older people.

4. The client was also concerned about the health and security function of the app in order to make it extremely useful for end-users in an emergency. The client was looking to set up an “emergency contact” button in the app interface, so users can summon the nearest ambulance in a dire situation, no matter which part of the world they are located. Setting up the ambulance numbers from around the world in the app database and updating them regularly was a crucial challenge.

5. Presence of dynamic status indicators on the picture-based chat icons of contacts that indicates their local time, current location, aeroplane mode, and busy condition.

6. Last but not least, the client has also set expectations with our iPhone app developers to create a completely new and unique UI/UX for Chatstasy, which is not used by any other existing app present in the iPhone app ecosystem.

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Our Approach

The client reached A3Logics mobile app development team with a request to create an iPhone messaging app with more intuitive, user-friendly and picture-based chat button functionalities, which are simply absent in other apps already available in the market. The client was looking for a reliable and proven strategic IT solution provider with expertise in the iPhone app development domain to execute his concept into a viable product.

To provide a reliable app solution, the iPhone App development team at A3Logics worked dedicatedly to meet all the project requirements set out by the client. After multiple rounds of initial discussions and meetings, a detailed project execution roadmap was laid out in front of the client, along with the identification of the most suitable technology for building the app.

The requirement analysis specialists and project managers of A3Logics have also conducted detailed research and analysis for setting up the high-level design and infrastructure for the Chatstasy app. Finally, it was decided that the app would be built using Swift, Firebase, APNS and Sqlite technologies to get complete control over app functionalities as well as meet client expectations.

Our Solutions

As expected by the client, the app developers at A3Logics have also worked innovatively to bring together a new breed of features like dynamic status indicators, no-ring voice messaging, ICE contacts, urgent calling, etc., that are simply absent from other popular iPhone messenger apps. All such features have been added to Chatstasy, leveraging the industry-leading technologies for iPhone app development.

To make the Chatstasy app most suitable for target users- youngsters and older people, A3Logics mobile development team build the Chatstasy app right from scratch, combining all useful functions like texting, voice calling, contact management and emergency calling in an “all-in-one” picture button-based app interface. The app has been designed to work as a dialer, messenger, voice mailer and emergency call assistant, depending upon the user’s needs.

Technologies & Tools Used
Technologies & Tools Used

Stats That Defines Our Results

Users enrolled in beta testing of Chatstasy liked the large picture-based chat buttons.


Beta Users of Chatstasy have rated the auto number update functionality excellent.


Users of the Chatstasy app agreed that the app would meet the older people calling/texting needs.


Users agreed app has highly unique chat features that are simply absent from other iPhone apps.


The case study elaborates on the technical expertise of the A3Logics mobile development team in delivering quality projects and professional services to the client by creating a mobile app as per the business needs and requirements. The app-Chatstasy supports and helps millions of people around the globe to connect seamlessly and engage in quality conversations. The chat applications now have more global users than social networks – this aspect has been considered broadly by the A3Logics development team while creating the app. Chatstasy enables users to connect with their loved ones in difficult-to-reach demographics with zero hassle.

Overall, the development of the Chatstasy app was a great experience for the iPhone app development team of A3Logics. It requires an amalgamation of unique and creative skills from our talented app developers in order to develop a differentiated app in the market that is already filled with numerous chat apps. So, if you are looking to hire iOS app development services to get an amazing app similar to Chatstasy, you can reach out to us anytime for your next amazing mobile app solution.